Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Marc Ecko comes under attack from nonprofit organizations.

Keep America Beautiful, and the National Council to Prevent Delinquency, are warning mayors, city council members, and police officers to look for "increased property crime by juveniles" when the game is released. The PlayStation 2 version of Getting Up is due in mid-September. In other words they are saying that more blacks will be out and about on the streets trying to tag the city up. What kind of bullshit is that! In an age where Grand Theft Auto: San Andres and a slew of other urban based games are all focused on gun play, stick ups, and murders. Marc Ecko finally comes out with a game featureing an African-American in a fantasy world. Trane uses his artistic abilites to spread a message through the city and expose the corruption in the system.

The two groups are asking the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) to give the game "the most restrictive rating possible" and have also asked that the ESRB's Advertising Review Council "sanction Atari for its advertising practices on the grounds that the game violates the ARC principle that 'all advertisements should be created with a sense of responsibility toward the public.'"
I could see if Trane was blowing peoples heads off with a mechine gun or ripping someones guts out. But these people sitting behind a desk who odviously haven't read about the details of the game are just shooting off at the mouth.

And as much as we like to think that people understand hip-hop and want to try and "be down" with our culture, they still don't get it or understand. And I don't be surprised of we see 50 Cent Bulletproff come under the same attack. I don't see these guys out there protesting war simulation games, or proesting animal abuse from the usage of unfeed Nintendogs.

Both of the groups needs to get a fucking grip and shut the fuck up. It's a game! It's entertainment!


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