Thursday, August 04, 2005

Up Close with the XBox 360

YEAH! We just got back from seeing the XBox 360 in action. It's going to be a truely community driven piece of hardware. The 360 is going to keep you connected to XBox Live all the time during game play. So you'll be able to get messages from your friends, get video messages, and receive photos. The XBox 360 is all about community. There are 4 different levels of users. Pro, the serious gamers. Underground, the hardcord bad asses, Rest and Relaxation, the casual gamer. And Family, for kids.
With Xbox 360 you'll be earn user ratings points the more you play games. And your histroy will follow where ever you go with your XBox 360 and memory card. With the points you'll be able to me matched up with other 360 users who are on your gaming level for competition. This matching up was refered to as "True Skills." And what was even hotter was that you can plug in your own USB keyboard to chat with your friends and type. The 360 comes with 3 UBS ports, 1 in front and 2 in the back.

Then we got our party on! Our demo then showed us how we can view a photo story and listen to music from a burned CD or an Ipod or an IRiver. 360 will recongise as many devices as they can program intot he system. Once recongisted you can play whatever you want and it's streamed from the device. While the 360 has a 20GB HD you'll probably nvever had to use all of it because it can connect to so many devices.

The 360 Marketplace is where users can download new items, new levels, new photos, and so much more. XBox is currently working with all the gaming companies to get as much cool stuff into the system as possible at the launch date.

We where truely impressed with how deep they have built the community aspect of the system. With over 1 million plus subscribers already on XBox Live, they already have a vast community experience which is taken to the next level with 360. While Nintendo is focusing on gaming, and who knows what PS3 is doing...I clearly see that 360 is trying and can be that 1 device in your home that can do just about everything.

We where also treated to a trailer of Adam Wake. A story about a novalist who's writing suddendly comes to life. The video look almost life like and you can really see how video game are the movies of today. Why go watch a flic that's over in 2 hours when you can play for hours and be the hero.

XBox will be back in NY soon to show off the Next Gen. games before launch. No date was given as to when the 360 would be released but they did give us a nice XBox face plate!

The 360 has some serious parental controls. A kids parents will be able to tweek every aspect of their kids profile and that will determin who they can have on their buddy list, who they can talk to, and what kind of games and movies they can watch. So no more Hot Coffee for lil Jimmy.


At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(gasps) Where was this?? I could of stalked you there.

At 3:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey did you know you can get a free ipod pretty easily?
just go to, sign up and do an offer


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