Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Black Video Game Characters: Jonathan Blade

Real Name: Jonathan Blade
First Appearance: Eternal Champions (1997)
Publisher:Sega Interactive

Occupation: Bounty Hunter
TIME ZONE: 2030 A.D.Fighting
Style: Kenpo
Born in Syria and raised in Africa, Officer Jonathan Blade was dedicated "to the extreme", working some of the meanest streets in New Chicago. His only real problem was his temper. Once he beat a suspect within an inch of his life. The suspect sued the police, and Blade was fired to hush the scandal. Blade moved back to Syria and became a bounty hunter, making better use of his quick temper. He was sent by the Syrian government to deal with a rogue scientist who had a virus that could kill 95% of the world's population. Blade convinced the scientist to surrender peacefully, unfortunately, the Syrian government disregarded their non interference agreement with Blade. Laser rifles open fire on Blade's alley location, and the vial smashed to pavement. it was the last thing Blade saw, dying because he was infected with the virus.


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